1World Aero strives to foster a close knit, club-like community of pilot renters who can guide support and encourage 1World Aero student pilots in their journey.   The small community of aviators keeps its members motivated to stay safe proficient long after a license or rating is obtained.  This is accomplished by getting renters to fly together, and where practical, to allow an aspiring pilot to ride along. 


Quarterly Flyouts are conducted during which the entire fleet is committed for group rental.   Weight and Balance permitting, members "airplane-pool" to a popular nearby lunch destination.  This allows our 1World aviators to meet each other, fly together, and build a rapport. Members who have not been flying regularly are able to fly with other members in a supported environment. Flyouts are always a popular event, with an average of a half dozen to a dozen members participating on any given fly out.  Ride-along participants ride for free.  The pilot flying sponsors his or her leg.  1World Aero buys lunch for any Loyalty Aviator or anyone contributing an airplane to the Fly Out.


Social operations such as our quarterly flyouts provide a means of finding other like-minded pilots with whom to share flying experiences, be it through comparing notes, swapping stories, or splitting flight time.

NOTE:  Only rated pilots may manipulate the controls of an airplane on a flyout if other participants are being carried onboard to the flyout.  A student pilot may manipulate controls with an CFI onboard, but no passengers may be transported.  The pilot flying the leg pays for the rental cost of that leg.

Volunteer operations like Angel Flights are another great way for our experienced renters to build proficiency, solidify aviation freindships, and give back.  Above - A crew of two 1World Aero renters (on left and right) pause to pose with patient and family member upon competion of a mission.